Winsor Newton
YCN Summer Brief 2020
The Art of Fakery
Most creatives have experienced some negative feelings and anxiety that is often labelled the’ Imposter Syndrome’. The Imposter Syndrome often makes creatives feel inadequate or like they’re a fraud. Its only recently been identified and recognised.
Even the most qualified and experienced artists and designers suffer from lack of confidence, chronic self doubt and can lead to other mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Its thought that 70% of individuals will experience imposter syndrome in their life time.
The Art of Fakery Gallery
Using well-known artists and professionals that are known to have suffered with similar feelings or with depression and anxiety, and recreate their work with the Promarker range.
It opens up a dialogue and breaks down barriers and is an opportunity to involve creatives and encourage them to add their words of wisdom of their interpretation of another image using the Promarker range using competitions and #creativechallenges.
Collectable Postcards
Whether its through the gallery, social media and / or the collectable postcards that can be printed via the website this campaign creates a new era of art, understanding and a support network amongst creatives as well as the benefits of using the Promarker range and demonstrating how to use them for Graphic Art.
© emmamdesign